Lapland in de zomer – Het echte verhaal

Land van de Middernachtzon

Vissen boven de poolcirkel!

Vissen op Arctische vlagzalm in Lapland!

Lapland in herfstkleuren

"Ruska" – de herfstkleuren van Lapland


Hier, zo'n 200 km boven de poolcirkel, is Lapland op zijn best en schoonst, met diepe bossen, indrukwekkende rivieren en rijzende bergen aan de horizon. Je ontmoet ons hier in Rajamaa, een familiebedrijf dat al meer dan 30 jaar door de familie Malmström wordt gerund.

Rajamaa. Een familiebedrijf

Ondersteuning door de Zweedse staat

In 2018 zijn alle chalets van Rajamaa gerenoveerd om te voldoen aan de hedendaagse eisen. Ze zijn nu wat we in Zweden hotel-chalets noemen. Deze grote investering is mogelijk gemaakt door de steun van de Europese Unie, via de fondsen voor plattelandsontwikkeling.
Met steun van het Regionaal Ontwikkelingsfonds en leider Tornedalen hebben we een nieuw product gecreëerd, de Arctische Kanoroute. We hebben ook ons nieuwe wildprogramma gecreëerd: Bever!


Zie wat de gasten zeggen

Experience the Real North

A great place to enjoy the wonderfull nature of Lappland! We had a great time together with Kaisu, Lars, Sami and Axel! We are really looking forward to coming back to this cool place! Just can recommend to go there if you want to experience the real north!



Go go go

Wonderful landscape, exceptional cook and amazing guide. I really recommend. We were lucky to watch wonderful North light. Lars, our guide, speak fluently English, German, Finnish and French, Kiashu was a great Cook, Samy (the second guide) is also very nice! Thank you soo much, I think we'll come back once.


Strasbourg, France

The Perfect Place

I had a wonderful time in Rajamaa. Lars and his wife are very kind and know everything about their beautiful country. Lars can teach you a lot about animals and nature in general. Everything was perfectly organized: activities, meals... Do not hesitate to go and discover Lapland thanks to them! The perfect place!


Perfect fishing and nature

Super nice Family Business! Great home cooked meals, excellent fishing grounds for salmon, pike and arctic greyling! very clean, extremely friendly! We will come again! Lots of other activities possible!


Can you adopt me Lars?

If you're looking for a serenity and quiet place with beautiful landscapes and good homemade cook, do not search anymore, You've found it! Rajamaa ... Can't wait to come back and see Lars, Kaizu, Sami and all the rest of the staff. Thank you so much for your welcoming :)

Nath A

Great fishing weekend

Great service and food. We ended up with 70 pikes in one day. Fishing permit only 6 euros a day. Boats can also be rented. Salmon fishing seems to be big around here. Big and smal sized cottages. Full service restaurant and owner speeks fluent english, finnish, german and french.


Uppsala, Sweden

Best part of our European experience

We spent 2 nights in one of the smaller cabins while on a fishing trip in the area. My husband and I truly enjoyed the accommodations and the dining experience created by Kaisu. We met her family, including her infant granddaughter. The entire family was very friendly and we enjoyed our conversations each night and morning. We highly recommend you make this a part of your trip if you are in the area.

Deborah M



Thank you for the opportunity to see a Bear in the wild! Kiitos!

Laura & Marco


Magic & Wonderful

Back in France after a wonderful and magical week in the middle of Lapland in Rajamaa :) Thanks to Lars & Kaisu for their warm welcome, Anna & Henrik for sharing their culture and passion, and Josephina, Sami & Mikko for their kindness and availability!



Lovely place in Lapland

Beautiful views in middle of nature. Thanks a lot for your hospitality. Hope to come agian.... Lot of memories


Reims, France